The C-factor: vet skills in communication
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Why invest in communication (part 1)
In the US, there are 3 times more suicides in the veterinary profession than in the average population...
Why invest in communication (part 2)
Working as a vet practitioner clearly put us at risk of “compassion fatigue”, a very tricky and devastating disease...
Why invest in communication (part 3)
We are convinced that good communication with the pet owners and with the staff...
Why invest in communication (part 5)
“Know thyself”, Socrates said...
Communication is a clinical skill (part 1)
The communication skills that follow are essential for the development of a collaborative veterinarian-client partnership, staff member-client partnership...
Communication is a clinical skill (part 2)
One of the key skills in building relationships with others is the use of empathy...
Communication is a clinical skill (part 3)
Asking owners open-ended questions, especially at the beginning of a consultation...
Communication is a clinical skill (part 4)
As well as listening it is important to actively encourage the client to continue telling their story...
Communication is a clinical skill (part 5)
Inclusion of the communication skills in every day practice requires us to move beyond what we do...
การตรวจรักษาอย่างราบรื่น ตอนที่ 3
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