Wound management with cold plasma therapy
Cold atmospheric pressure plasma therapy is an emerging technology in the veterinary field.
Issue number 31.2 Other Scientific
Published 28/10/2021
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Canine otitis is a frequent challenge for first opinion clinicians, and successful management is based on addressing the multiple causes and factors involved in its pathogenesis, as Hannah Lipscomb and Filippo De Bellis describe.
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When seeing a patient with otitis for the first time, a thorough history should always be taken, followed by physical and dermatological examination, otoscopy and ear swabs.
Routine microbiological culture of all otitis cases is not indicated, as it will not distinguish between resident commensal bacteria, overgrowth and infective organisms.
Imaging modalities available for assessing the ear include radiography, sonography, computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging.
Otitis is seen in first opinion veterinary practice on a regular basis 1, representing some 10-20% of all canine cases presenting to practitioners 2. Otitis externa (OE) (inflammation of the external ear canal, or EEC) is typically complicated by secondary infection which can – along with other factors – lead to rupture of the tympanic membrane (TM) and the development of otitis media (OM). Over 50% of dogs presenting with chronic OE have concurrent OM 3, and without intervention the cycle of aural inflammation and infection will continue, resulting in pain and irreversible pathological changes. Successful management is based on addressing the multiple causes and factors involved in the pathogenesis of otitis 4. The causes can be primary (e.g., foreign bodies, ectoparasites, allergies, endocrinopathies, or immune-mediated diseases) or secondary (essentially infection from Gram-positive or Gram-negative bacteria and fungi) in nature, but other aspects are also important. These include predisposing factors (such as obstruction, conformation, aural environment, or topical treatment effects), and perpetuating factors (such as pathological changes resulting from chronic OE or OM). This article reviews the diagnostic approach to canine otitis and provides practitioners with a step-by-step guide to managing cases from first presentation.
When first presented with a dog with either acute or chronic otitis it is important to be aware of the clinical history and to formulate a list of provisional primary causes. The consultation should start as normal, with thorough history taking to enable potential causes to be ruled in or out. To achieve this the following questions should be covered:
• What is the dog’s signalment? Various studies have shown that Cocker Spaniels, Poodles, Pyrenean Shepherds and Labrador Retrievers are all predisposed to developing otitis due to the conformation of their pinnae, EECs and/or hereditary susceptibility 5. In young dogs, otitis can be caused by Otodectes cynotis – although this is less common with the newer oral and spot-on ectoparasiticides – whereas in old dogs an underlying endocrinopathy is more likely.
• What are the owner’s concerns? They may describe head shaking, ear rubbing, aural discharge and malodor 6.
• When was the complaint first noticed? Abrupt and frenzied head shaking increases suspicion of an aural foreign body 6, whereas chronic cases are usually associated with clinical or subclinical disease.
• Is the otitis unilateral or bilateral? Acute unilateral otitis increases the likelihood of an aural foreign body; chronic bilateral otitis is more likely to indicate other etiologies (e.g., allergies) and can additionally be complicated by the ear anatomy.
• What is the pet’s lifestyle? Does the dog exercise in fields or go swimming? Water trapped in the EEC changes the aural environment and can cause dysbiosis 6.
• Does the dog suffer from seasonal flares of otitis? If so, this is highly suggestive of primary allergic skin disease, such as non-food-induced atopic dermatitis.
• Has any previous topical treatment been successful? If not, this could indicate either a resistant infection or an adverse drug reaction.
The next step is to perform a complete physical examination, followed by a specific dermatological examination. Clinicians typically have a routine for this, but generally it is advisable to start from the nose and work back towards the tail, thus ensuring all body systems are checked. When dealing with otitis, the physical examination may allow a tentative diagnose of OM, otitis interna (OI) or hypothyroidism. Clinical signs of OM include facial nerve paralysis (e.g., head tilt, ear droop, lip droop and ptosis) and Horner’s syndrome (i.e., miosis, ptosis, enophthalmos and protrusion of the nictitating membrane). Clinical signs of OI include hearing loss and vestibular disease (e.g., head tilt, asymmetric ataxia, leaning to the affected side, circling and horizontal nystagmus) 78. Hypothyroidism (other than the appearance of the skin and haircoat) is clinically associated with obesity, weakness, lethargy and bradycardia 9. However, any suspect diagnosis should be confirmed with appropriate investigation(s).
The dermatological examination should assess the skin in its entirety: periocular, perioral, dorsal and ventral neck, axillae, trunk (dorsum, ventrum and flanks), inguinal, perianal, interdigital (dorsal and palmar/plantar), pinnae and the EEC opening. Practitioners should be mindful of any skin lesions that could relate to otitis which may explain the primary etiology. For example, as well as signs of otitis, puppies with juvenile cellulitis may have erythema, oedema, exudation, crusting and alopecia of the face and muzzle 10, and dogs with atopic dermatitis may present with a classic combination of otitis, pododermatitis and superficial pyoderma.
When dealing with otitis, it is sensible to carefully examine the ears last, as they can be painful, and dogs may subsequently develop an aversion to their ears being touched. However, even with minimal handling it is possible to collect more information simply by examining the inner aspect of the pinnae and opening to the EEC: erythematous pinnae can suggest an allergic etiology, whilst chronic cases may have thickened, hyperpigmented pinnae with excessive scaling, which may represent a cornification disorder 6. Additionally, the appearance of any aural discharge can reveal primary or secondary causes for the otitis: a dry, brown, granular discharge is seen with O. cynotis, a moist, brown discharge commonly occurs with both staphylococcal and Malassezia infections (Figure 1), and a purulent, malodourous discharge is typical of Gram-negative bacterial infection (Figure 2) 2.
Figure 1. Moist, brown discharge on the concave aspect of the pinna, as seen with both staphylococcal and Malassezia infections. © Filippo De Bellis
Figure 2. Purulent discharge on the concave aspect of the pinna, typical of Gram-negative bacterial infection. © Filippo De Bellis
If tolerated by the patient and once distant examination of the pinnae is complete, it is essential to perform otoscopy to evaluate the EEC and the integrity of the TM. There are three different types of otoscope available 1112:
1. Closed otoscope – allows good visualization of the EEC and TM and is designed to allow air to be introduced into the canal in order to undertake tympanometry, although accessing the EEC via the scope (e.g., to perform cytology) is limited.
2. Open otoscope – gives an inferior view of the EEC and TM compared to closed otoscopy but permits excellent access into the EEC. For this reason, all practices should have the option of an open otoscope.
3. Video otoscope – enables an excellent view and access to the EEC and TM, with the extra benefit of taking photographs and videos, although the equipment cost and the skill required for proper use can be an issue.
To fully appreciate the usefulness of otoscopy practitioners should be familiar with the appearance of the healthy aural anatomy. The normal EEC is a smooth, pale pink, thin-walled structure and the normal TM is a semi-transparent, concave membrane with a fine center and thicker periphery. The TM is divided anatomically into two: the dorsal section (pars flaccida) is light pink in color, whereas the ventral section (pars tensa) is pearl-grey (Figure 3). For every patient and each ear an appropriately sized, sterile otoscope cone (stored at room temperature) should be used. The cone will gently slide along the intertragic incisure – the soft depression separating the tragus and antitragus cartilages at the base of the pinna – and into the EEC. Assuming this is tolerated by the patient, the vertical and horizontal portions of the canal can be examined; the junction between the two sections is distinguished by a prominent cartilaginous ridge, and the pinna should be elevated upwards and outwards to straighten the canal as best as possible 12. The otoscope cone can then be eased into the horizontal portion for improved visualization (Figure 4). With experience it is possible to rapidly identify or assess for foreign bodies, O. cynotis, inflammation, exudate, stenosis, proliferation and TM status 1112. As with all the diagnostic steps performed so far, otoscopy also contributes to the etiological understanding of otitis (Table 1) 1112.
Otoscopic finding(s) | Direct deduction |
Erythematous and hyperplastic EEC | Acute otitis |
Fibrotic and hard EEC | Chronic otitis |
Erythema of the vertical ear canal with no discharge | Allergic otitis: primary etiology could be food-induced atopic dermatitis or non-food-induced atopic dermatitis |
Erosions and ulcers of EEC with purulent discharge | Gram-negative bacterial infection |
“Cobblestone” appearance of EEC lining | Sebaceous and ceruminous gland hyperplasia, capable of transitioning into polyp-like growths |
Foreign bodies | Primary cause |
Ectoparasites | Primary cause |
Tumor | Predisposing factor |
Figure 3. A video otoscope image of the normal tympanic membrane. Note the dorsal, light pink pars flaccida and ventral, pearl-grey pars tensa. © Vanessa Schmidt
Figure 4. Performing careful open otoscopy to allow visualization of the external ear canal and tympanic membrane in a conscious patient. © Filippo De Bellis
Figure 5. High number of Malassezia organisms from an infected ear are visible in this microscopic cytology image. © Marie-Christine Cadiergues
Figure 6. A microscopic image showing non-degenerate and degenerate neutrophils and a cluster of extracellular cocci. © Marie-Christine Cadiergues
Hannah Lipscomb
Imaging can allow further assessment of an otitis case, and especially the status of the middle ear. The literature recommends imaging for cases of suspected OM, para-aural abscessation, trauma, nasopharyngeal polyps, neurological dysfunction, and if a dog is unable to open its mouth 17
Figure 7. A transverse CT scan of a dog’s skull showing soft tissue or fluid within the right tympanic bulla with thickening of the bulla wall. © Royal Veterinary College
Filippo De Bellis
The TM will be intact in approximately 70% of OM cases, as the middle ear can become infected without OE by micro-organisms migrating from the pharynx via the auditory (Eustachian) tube or by hematogenous spread. Cavalier King Charles Spaniels and brachycephalic breeds can also have a primary OM with no EEC pathology 22. In cases when OM is diagnosed but the TM is intact, myringotomy (iatrogenic rupture of the TM) is required. This is performed under GA guided by video otoscopy after the EEC has been thoroughly lavaged and allowed to dry. With direct visualization a 6F urinary catheter, cut obliquely at 60° and attached to a 2 mL syringe, is advanced through the most ventral part (6-7 o’clock) of the TM. One milliliter of sterile saline is infused into the middle ear and aspirated; the sample is transferred to a sterile tube and centrifuged to prepare samples for in-house cytology and C&S testing. If the middle ear subsequently requires further treatment the puncture site can be carefully enlarged for easier access and repeatedly lavaged until clean and empty 711.
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