Revista médica e científica internacional dedicada a profissionais e estudantes de medicina veterinária.
Veterinary Focus
Philippe Baralon

Philippe Baralon

Médico-veterinário, MBA


O Dr. Baralon formou-se na École Nationale Vétérinaire de Toulouse, França, em 1984, e prosseguiu seus estudos em Economia (Mestrado em Economia, Toulouse, 1985) e Administração de Empresas (MBA, HEC-Paris, 1990). Ele fundou seu próprio grupo de consultoria, Phylum, em 1990, e permanece como um dos sócios até os dias de hoje. Atua principalmente como consultor de gestão para clínicas veterinárias em 26 países ao redor do mundo. Suas principais áreas de especialização são estratégia, marketing e finanças. Ele também está envolvido no treinamento de médicos-veterinários e equipe de apoio no campo da gestão de clínicas, por meio de palestras e workshops, além de realizar análises comparativas da economia da medicina veterinária em diferentes partes do mundo. Um autor prolífico, ele já escreveu mais de 50 artigos sobre clínica veterinária.

Colaboração de Philippe Baralon

Navegue entre os artigos e publicações dos autores abaixo.

Proprietários de clínicas

Número da edição Publicado 06/06/2023

Pressão inflacionária: estratégia de preços

Este artigo faz parte de uma série de três artigos escritos por especialistas em gestão veterinária (junto com Antje Blaettner e Pere Mercader). Ele analisa os fatores que devem ser considerados ao pensar na revisão anual da lista de preços de uma clínica, especialmente em períodos de altas taxas de inflação.

por Philippe Baralon

Example of a professional-looking waiting room. ​ All the mistakes above were fixed and the following facilities were added: 1. Separated waiting areas for dogs and cats with cat carrier trees.

Número da edição1 Publicado 10/05/2021

How to offer a great experience - Part 1

Based on studies on a human hospital, this chapter will outline the different steps in the pet owner journey in your practice, including the consultation that should be a “golden moment” for your client.

por Philippe Baralon , Antje Blättner , Pere Mercader e Susie Samuel

Example of a professional-looking waiting room. ​ All the mistakes above were fixed and the following facilities were added: 1. Separated waiting areas for dogs and cats with cat carrier trees.

Número da edição1 Publicado 10/05/2021

การมอบประสบการณ์ที่ดีแก่ผู้เข้ารับบริการ - ตอนที่ 1

บทความนี้จะนำเสนอแนวทางการเข้ารับบริการในสถานพยาบาลสัตว์ของเจ้าของสัตว์เลี้ยงรวมไปถึงการตรวจรักษาซึ่งถือเป็นช่วงเวลาที่มีค่าสำหรับเจ้าของผ่านการศึกษารูปแบบการทำงานของโรงพยาบาลคน สัตวแพทย์และบุคลากรในสถานพยาบาล...

por Philippe Baralon , Antje Blättner , Pere Mercader e Susie Samuel

How to attract clients to your clinic

Número da edição1 Publicado 07/05/2021

How to attract clients to your clinic

Internet has changed the “pet owner journey”: before telephoning a vet to ask questions or actually taking an appointment, the client will search the Internet (sometimes just to find a telephone number) and will have first information about your practice through it.

por Philippe Baralon , Antje Blättner , Pere Mercader e Susie Samuel

The importance of pet owner experience

Número da edição1 Publicado 05/05/2021

The importance of the pet owner experience

Vet practitioners are often not aware of their environment. They never stay in the waiting room of their practice for long. They sometimes even enter the practice through a different door than the one used by their clients.

por Philippe Baralon , Antje Blättner , Pere Mercader e Susie Samuel

Understanding the business

Número da edição2 Publicado 03/05/2021

Understanding the business (Part 2)

Most veterinarians are not comfortable when discussing fees, or when asked to "sell" something, but this is normal! This chapter offers a method which will allow you to prescribe or recommend products and services effectively.

por Philippe Baralon , Antje Blättner , Pere Mercader e Mark Moran