Revista cu subiecte științifice și medicale internaționale pentru experți ai sănătății animalelor de companie
Veterinary Focus

Numărul revistei 28.3 Nutriție

Publicat la data 01/01/0001

Articol semnat de Sally Perea

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Delivery of high-quality nutrition to cats and dogs is a multi-step process. The procedure begins with a scientific observation, followed by the development of a research hypothesis, and ultimately to the validation of a new nutritional solution and novel product development. Evaluation of product performance is not only a cornerstone of this development process, it is crucial for ongoing product monitoring and continuous improvement. 

The rural location of the Lewisburg Center permits plenty of space for dogs to exercise freely.
Illus 1. The rural location of the Lewisburg Center permits plenty of space for dogs to exercise freely. © Brandon Schneider
Cats are housed in large purpose-built rooms designed to offer maximum stimulation and opportunities for recreation and exercise, such as climbing frames.
Illus 2. Cats are housed in large purpose-built rooms designed to offer maximum stimulation and opportunities for recreation and exercise, such as climbing frames. © Justin Morter

The Pet Health and Nutrition Center (PHNC), located at Lewisburg, Ohio, was acquired by Royal Canin in 2014 to help expand the company’s research capabilities with the rapidly growing North American market. The PHNC now serves as one of two pet centers within the Royal Canin network, increasing the company’s capacity to respond to research needs and undertake investigation in defined areas of specialty. Both centers evaluate key product performance measures, such as palatability, digestibility, and urinary relative super saturation (RSS). In addition, the PHNC provides focus in specific areas such as skin and coat health, mobility, immunity, and aging. This additional level of expertise helps to enable increased nutritional precision and the development of products tailored to individual pet needs. All the research involves only healthy animals and is non-invasive in nature.

Standard Poodles (a) and German Shorthair Pointers (b) are two of the breeds at the PHNC that enjoy daily exercise and play at the large outdoor dog park.
Illus 3. Standard Poodles (a) and German Shorthair Pointers (b) are two of the breeds at the PHNC that enjoy daily exercise and play at the large outdoor dog park. © Justin Morter

The PHNC associates also bring a valuable depth of knowledge to veterinary and nutritional research worldwide, working together with experts at the Royal Canin campus in Aimargues, France, and the WALTHAM Centre for Pet Nutrition in Melton Mowbray, UK. This expanding collaborative network helps to foster advancements in animal welfare, scientific methods, innovative thinking, and – ultimately – the delivery of high-quality nutrition for cats and dogs.

The Ragdoll is one of the newer cat breeds introduced to the PHNC, enabling Royal Canin to continue to build knowledge on breedspecific nutritional needs.
Illus 4. The Ragdoll is one of the newer cat breeds introduced to the PHNC, enabling Royal Canin to continue to build knowledge on breedspecific nutritional needs. © Justin Morter
 The Bengal is another unique cat breed, helping to diversify the breed representation at the PHNC.
Illus 5. The Bengal is another unique cat breed, helping to diversify the breed representation at the PHNC. © Justin Morter
Sally Perea

Evaluation of product performance is key to the success of Royal Canin, both in developing new diets and for ongoing monitoring and improvement of existing products.

Sally Perea

Sally Perea

Sally Perea

Dr. Sally Perea este diplomat al American College of Veterinary Nutrition. Citiți mai mult

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