Worldwide medical and scientific journal for animal health professionals
Veterinary Focus

Issue number 24.3 Date Published 01/01/2014

Canine and Feline Nutrition

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Canine and Feline Nutrition

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Issue number24.3 Published 10/02/2021

Co-morbidity of overweight and obesity in dogs and cats

Obesity is a nutritional disease of concern in both canine and feline pets, with up to 35% of adult dogs and cats in the United States reported to be either overweight or obese.

By Emi Kate Saito

Issue number24.3 Published 10/02/2021

Nutritional considerations for the aging cat

Improved veterinary care, nutrition and lifestyle have collectively improved the life expectancy of dogs and cats over the last 20 years.

By Vincent Biourge and Denise Elliott

Issue number24.3 Published 04/03/2021

Canine feeding behavior

Two trends appear to have become fashionable amongst dog owners in recent years...

By Jon Bowen

Issue number24.3 Published 05/03/2021

The “BARF” trend – advantages, drawbacks and risks

The trend of feeding raw foods to dogs and cats was apparently started in the early 1990’s by an Australian veterinarian who wrote a book promoting the virtues of feeding raw food to dogs ,

By Stefanie Handl

Issue number24.3 Published 10/03/2021

Calculating the energy content of pet food

Why is it important to know the energy content of pet foods?

By Richard Butterwick

Issue number24.3 Published 10/03/2021

Calculating the energy content of pet food

Why is it important to know the energy content of pet foods?

By Richard Butterwick

Issue number24.3 Published 10/03/2021

Pets and pet foods – questions and answers

Veterinarians and practice support staff encounter questions and comments on a daily basis from clients regarding various aspects of petfoods, many of which are based on hearsay, popular belief and even falsehoods.

By Cailin Heinze

Issue number24.3 Published 10/03/2021

Pets and pet foods – questions and answers

Veterinarians and practice support staff encounter questions and comments on a daily basis from clients regarding various aspects of petfoods, many of which are based on hearsay, popular belief and even falsehoods.

By Cailin Heinze

Issue number24.3 Published 10/03/2021

The psychology of managing the owner

A person will often adopt a domestic animal as a response to a psychological need, such as the desire for a companion, but more often than not a future owner will focus on acquiring an animal that best meets their own needs without always considering the animal’s requirements.

By Franco Favaro and Serena Adamelli

Issue number24.3 Published 25/03/2021

Cats and dietary fiber

Nutritionists and veterinarians have been interested in dietary fiber as a component of pet foods or as a supplement for many years.

By Allison Wara and Craig Datz

Issue number24.3 Published 31/03/2021

Oral neoplasia

Oral cancer is frequently encountered in both feline and canine patients; dogs are more often affected than cats...

By Cailin Heinze

Issue number24.3 Published 20/04/2022

Puppy growth charts

Growth charts for children are nothing new, but recent work has resulted in the concept being developed for dogs, and they are now an essential part of the veterinarian’s toolkit.

By Caitlin Grant