Sarah M. A. Caney

Sarah M. A. Caney

BVSc, PhD, Dip. SAM(Feline), MRCVS, Nantwich Pet Vets, Cheshire, UK


Sarah Caney is a University of Bristol graduate who has been a feline-only clinician for more than twenty years, and is a recognized RCVS Specialist in Feline Medicine. She has worked in a range of clinics including university hospitals and private practices of varying size, and currently leads the feline service at a large UK veterinary hospital. Dr. Caney is also the founder of Vet Professionals, a company that conducts research (often including online owner and veterinarian surveys) and offers education, publishing and consultancy services. Her website (www.vetprofessionals.com) has a wealth of free-to-access resources for cat owners and clinicians.

เนื้อหาโดย Sarah M. A. Caney


Steps built into the side of the consulting room offer the ability to observe a cat’s mobility

หมายเลขหัวข้อ24.2 เผยแพร่แล้ว 03/11/2023

A friendly approach to the senior cat consult

Cats are living longer and better lives; how can we ensure that the healthcare we offer them is optimal? This article offers some hints.

โดย Sarah M. A. Caney