Międzynarodowe czasopismo medyczne i naukowe dla lekarzy weterynarii małych zwierząt
Veterinary Focus
Neoklis Apostolopoulos

Neoklis Apostolopoulos

DVM, Dip. ECVD, University of Wisconsin-Madison, School of Veterinary Medicine, Madison, WI, USA

United States

Dr. Apostolopoulos obtained his veterinary degree at the University of Thessaly in Greece. He then moved to Germany where he completed a rotating internship, a residency, and postgraduate research with a focus on canine cutaneous microbiota. He is currently an assistant clinical professor of veterinary dermatology at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, with a research focus on the canine skin microbiome and applied artificial intelligence in veterinary dermatology. His clinical interests include all aspects of dermatology, allergology, and otology, and he also has experience in CO2 laser surgery and fluorescence photobiomodulation treatment of skin diseases.

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Numer wydania26.2 Data publikacji 17/05/2024

Managing skin disease with fluorescence biomodulation

The concern over increasing bacterial resistance to antibiotics has prompted clinicians to seek novel alternatives for conditions such as pyoderma; this article reviews the possibilities with one such treatment.

przez Neoklis Apostolopoulos