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수의학 전문가를 위한 세계적인 수의학 저널
Natalie L. Marks

Natalie L. Marks


United States

Dr. Marks qualified from the University of Illinois in 2002 and worked both in first opinion small animal practice and as a relief veterinarian at an emergency clinic before moving to her present post in 2006. In addition to her clinical interests, she has a major involvement in communications, both within the profession and in the public sphere, and has contributed to many television programs and veterinary publications. She became a Certified Veterinary Journalist in 2018.

집필진 Natalie L. Marks

아래의 저자가 작성한 기사 및 발행호를 검색해보세요.

Making your practice more feline centric

발행호 번호30.2 출간일 29/10/2020

Making your practice more feline centric

Natalie Marks has recently been involved with a project designed to help practices...

저자 Natalie L. Marks