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수의학 전문가를 위한 세계적인 수의학 저널
Kate White

Kate White

MA, Vet MB, PhD, DVA, Dip. ECVAA, FRCVS, School of Veterinary Medicine, University of Nottingham, Nottingham, UK

United Kingdom

Dr. White graduated from Cambridge University and after a spell in general practice she undertook a residency in anesthesia. She then worked for 10 years as a self-employed consultant in referral practices, pharmaceutical companies, academia, zoos and biomedical research establishments providing anesthesia services. She is past president (2014-2016) of the worldwide Association of Veterinary Anesthetists. Her research interests span numerous aspects of analgesia and anesthesia in many different species, with a particular emphasis on patient safety. She is currently Professor and deputy Head of School at Nottingham Veterinary School.

집필진 Kate White

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발행호 번호33.3 출간일 08/03/2024

Anesthesia of the geriatric patient

Anesthetizing the older patient is a daily occurrence in veterinary practice; here the authors review current knowledge and advise on the safest approach to such animals.

저자 Kate White 그리고 Flo Hillen