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수의학 전문가를 위한 세계적인 수의학 저널
Éric Troncy

Éric Troncy

DEV, MSc, PhD, DUn-Pharmacology/-chemistry, Groupe de recherche en pharmacologie animale du Québec (GREPAQ), Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Université de Montréal, Canada


Éric Troncy is currently Professor and Director of the Research Group GREPAQ at the Université-de-Montréal (UdM). He qualified from the National Veterinary School of Lyon and went on to complete an Anesthesiology Residency before gaining his PhD at UdM, and a Doctorate in Pharmacology at Louis-Pasteur University-of-Strasbourg, France. He has authored numerous articles and abstracts, many based on his clinical focus of small animal osteoarthritis. 

집필진 Éric Troncy

아래의 저자가 작성한 기사 및 발행호를 검색해보세요.

Dog trying to climb stairs

발행호 번호33.3 출간일 22/03/2024

New approaches to osteoarthritis in dogs: etiology, detection, diagnosis

Are clinicians good at identifying osteoarthritis in dogs? Do we have preconceived ideas about it? This article challenges our understanding of the disease.

저자 Éric Troncy