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수의학 전문가를 위한 세계적인 수의학 저널
Beverley M. Wilson

Beverley M. Wilson

BVMedSci, BVM, BVS (Hons), PgC(SAM), GPCert(SAM), MSc, CCAB, MRCVS. Animal Behaviour, Cognition and Welfare Group, Dept of Life Sciences, University of Lincoln, UK

United Kingdom

Dr. Wilson graduated from the University of Nottingham in 2012 and spent time in general practice (both private and charity clinics) whilst also undertaking a post-graduate certificate in small animal medicine. She subsequently obtained her Masters in Clinical Animal Behaviour from the University of Lincoln and is currently undertaking a residency in Veterinary Behavior with the European College of Animal Welfare and Behavioral Medicine. She is also a Certified Clinical Animal Behaviorist for dogs. 

집필진 Beverley M. Wilson

아래의 저자가 작성한 기사 및 발행호를 검색해보세요.

check if a dog that has possible signs of CCD

발행호 번호33.3 출간일 26/01/2024

Canine cognitive dysfunction

Canine “dementia” is becoming more common as our pet population ages; this article reviews the signs, differential diagnoses and treatment for such cases

저자 Beverley M. Wilson 그리고 Daniel S. Mills