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    Displaying 9 of 10 articles

    Issue number 32.3 Published 29/03/2023

    Acute heart failure in dogs

    Acute heart failure in dogs carries a serious risk of death, and optimizing diagnosis and treatment is paramount, as discussed by Luca Ferasin.

    By Luca Ferasin

    Issue number 32.3 Published 15/02/2023

    Arterial thromboembolism in cats

    Feline thromboembolism is a condition which can strike without warning, and where the clinician’s assessment and decisions can make the difference between life and death, as discussed in this article by Michael Aherne.

    By Michael Aherne

    Issue number 32.2 Published 09/11/2022

    Feline systemic hypertension

    Hypertension in the cat is now recognized as a significant contributor to ill health; Alice Rădulescu offers an overview of its underlying causes and the aids to diagnosis.

    By Alice M. Rădulescu

    Issue number 32.2 Published 03/11/2022

    Management of the cat with heart failure

    Cats with cardiomyopathies other than hypertrophic cardiomyopathy often first present with severe or even life-threatening clinical signs; this article focuses on the diagnosis of the underlying cardiac condition and the options for treatment.

    By Joanna Dukes-McEwan and Catheryn Partington

    Issue number 32.2 Published 26/10/2022

    Syncope in the cat

    How do you deal with a cat with fainting episodes? Luca Ferasin offers a step-by-step guide for the clinician.

    By Luca Ferasin

    Issue number 32.2 Published 20/10/2022

    Cardiac biomarkers in the cat

    Recent advances have identified biomarkers that can aid in the diagnosis of feline heart disease; this paper discusses the uses – and limitations – of these tests.

    By Clémence Peyron and Fanny Bernardin

    Issue number 32.2 Published 13/10/2022

    Pre-clinical feline hypertrophic cardiomyopathy

    Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy is prevalent in the pet cat population, but affected animals may not be easy to identify; this paper offers a comprehensive overview of the condition for the first-opinion veterinarian.

    By Catheryn Partington and Joanna Dukes-McEwan

    Issue number 31.3 Published 10/08/2022

    Diet and canine dilated cardiomyopathy

    What is the link between certain diets and canine heart disease? This paper gives an overview of the current situation and offers some advice for clinicians.

    By Jennifer Larsen and Joshua Stern

    Issue number 26.1 Published 10/03/2021

    How I Approach… A young puppy with a heart murmur

    Puppy murmurs are a common clinical finding for many practitioners.

    By Hannah Hodgkiss-Geere