Worldwide medical and scientific journal for animal health professionals
Veterinary Focus

Issue number 34.1 Date Published 05/04/2024

Updates in dermatology

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Issue number34.1 Published 05/04/2024

Canine sebaceous adenitis

What is sebaceous adenitis? Many clinicians are unaware of this condition in dogs, but this article details all you need to know.

By Elad Perry

Issue number34.1 Published 19/04/2024

Canine pruritus: causes and therapies

Understanding what causes an animal to itch is the first step in successful treatment of the pruritic dog, as this article describes.

By Frédéric Sauvé

Issue number34.1 Published 03/05/2024

Canine pyoderma: a tiered approach

Our knowledge regarding canine pyoderma continues to evolve; this paper describes current thinking as to how we should approach such cases.

By Jason B. Pieper

Issue number34.1 Published 17/05/2024

Managing skin disease with fluorescence biomodulation

The concern over increasing bacterial resistance to antibiotics has prompted clinicians to seek novel alternatives for conditions such as pyoderma; this article reviews the possibilities with one such treatment.

By Neoklis Apostolopoulos

Issue number34.1 Published 31/05/2024

Chronic canine otitis: prevention is better than cure

Otitis is a common problem in dogs, and can quickly become chronic if prompt and appropriate action is not followed; this article discusses how best to approach these cases.

By Gustavo Machicote Goth

Issue number34.1 Published 20/09/2024

Common pitfalls and tips for better team communication

In this article the author – who works both as a veterinarian and healthcare safety consultant – covers the ways communication within a practice can be improved to benefit patient outcomes.

By Leïla Assaghir