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수의학 전문가를 위한 세계적인 수의학 저널
Claire Roberts

Claire Roberts

RVN, Dip. AVN(Surg), PGCertVetAA, CertVNECC, PGCert Vet Business Management

United Kingdom

Claire Roberts has worked in veterinary nursing for over 25 years, with experience in private and referral practices, charity, emergency, education, and industry. She is a past elected member of the RCVS VN Council and has lectured at major veterinary conferences including BVNA, LVS and BSAVA. Claire currently works as a Primary Care Nursing Director for Linnaeus. She is a tireless advocate for the role of the veterinary nurse in practice, with a passion for elevating the role of the primary care nurse and helping to shed light on opportunities where nurses can have the greatest impact on the patient journey.

집필진 Claire Roberts

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