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수의학 전문가를 위한 세계적인 수의학 저널
Alistair Freeman

Alistair Freeman

BVM&S, PhD, Dip. SAS (Soft Tissue), MRCVS, Small Animal Teaching Hospital, Institute of Veterinary Science, University of Liverpool, UK

United Kingdom

Dr. Freeman graduated from the University of Edinburgh in 1994 and remained there to complete a Junior Clinical Training Scholarship. After a spell in small animal practice, he returned to Edinburgh for a 5-year Wellcome Trust Clinical Research Training Scholarship, during which he obtained a Certificate in Small Animal Surgery and completed his PhD. He joined the staff at Liverpool in 2002 and gained the Diploma in Small Animal Surgery, alongside RCVS “Recognised Specialist” status in 2012. He currently holds the position of Senior Lecturer in Small Animal Soft Tissue Surgery.

집필진 Alistair Freeman

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