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수의학 전문가를 위한 세계적인 수의학 저널
Elizabeth A. Berliner

Elizabeth A. Berliner


United States

Dr. Berliner earned her DVM from Cornell University in 2003 and is boarded in both Shelter Medicine Practice (2016) and Canine and Feline Practice (2012) with the American Board of Veterinary Practitioners. She is currently Assistant Clinical Professor and Director of Maddie’s® Shelter Medicine Program at Cornell University, and serves on the Board of Directors for the Association of Shelter Veterinarians and the credentials committee for the Shelter Medicine Practice board specialty. Her interests include diagnosis, management and prevention of infectious diseases; animal welfare, veterinary ethics, and decision-making; and innovative outreach programs promoting accessible veterinary care and humane behaviors.

집필진 Elizabeth A. Berliner

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